Sunday, November 2, 2014

HAWKS eNEWS Nov 3-9, 2014_1

2014 September 8-12 

November 3-9,2014 _1    


PTO Meeting

11/6 9:15 am - sm caf  Special Topic Singapore Math At Patton

Please join us at the  PTO meeting this Thursday, when our special guest speaker will be John Nolen, Director of Business Operations who will speak about the Math In Focus program (Singapore Math) at Patton. This is the first year when all grades at Patton are utilizing this program. Come with your questions!

We also will be voting on the enrichment requests we received for this year, so this is one meeting you won't want to miss. Hope to see you there!


Deadline: Tuesday,  November 4, 2014

I am asking for  letters of support for our technology education middle school program. This is a needed part of our middle school education excellence award application that we plan to submit to ITEEA.  With our new curriculum revisions and our updated hardware (3-D printer) Scott and I feel as though we have a very good chance of being awarded the best middle school technology education program in the state of Pennsylvania. We would be recognized nationally for this accomplishment and believe it is well deserved. In 2008 our high school was awarded with this honor with the help of  the support letters that were written back then, so we hope that we can count on your support this year. I have included some talking points below should you choose to use them in your letter. 

Talking points

Jason Palo and Scott Stoltzfus graduated from Millersville University, one of the top Technology education Programs in PA.  Jason and Scott have a combined 26 years of Technology education teaching experience at Patton Middle school.

They continue to strive for excellence in the area of Technology education by attending conferences, completing graduate level courses, visiting other school, keeping in contact with other Tech Ed teachers and completing various professional development trainings. 

They both earned their masters degrees and didn't stop there. They continued to earn over 60 additional credits and counting in the teaching/technology field.

They have also received over $10,000 in hardware and durable goods through grant writing and securing outside donations for the Middle Technology Education Dept. Some of these grants/donations allowed for the purchase of our new 3-D replicator 2 printer from MakerBot, or 3-D scanner from MarkerBot, a CNC router, a CNC engraver, new tools (drills, saws, dust collection system, etc.) for our wood lab, and materials to build the "kinder chairs".

They are always are working hard to stay on top the current trends and later technologies in the field.

About the program: 

The program has to be one of the top programs in the state as it covers a huge array of both state and national standards.

The program is tiered so the students can continue to build off of a foundation of skills that they learn in 6th grade.

The program catches and engages student interest of all learners with the rich and diverse curriculum which includes Robotics, Graphic Design, and Computer Aided Drafting Design, 3-D printing, design engineering (mousetrap cars), structural engineering (bridge building), photography (Photoshop), and flight exploration and the design and creation of 2-D and 3-D wood manufacturing projects. 

S.T.E.M. is an main focus of every middle school Tech ed course.

The program allows for creative freedom and choice. 

In 8th grade student get to choose what Tech Ed class they would like to have. 

The program is experienced by every child in the school.

The program allows for students to create while using their problem solving skills, among many others, to make an project they get to keep and enjoy for a lifetime.

The program in well supported and liked by the greater community.

The Tech ed department goes beyond the classroom as they recently teamed up with the Art department to create "kinder chairs" which were donated to each of our 4 elementary schools. 

This program is a perfect piece of the educational puzzle that go toward fulfilling our education goals as a district.

The students really enjoy what they are doing and see the reason for it.

Thank you for your support,
Jason Palo and Scott Stoltzfus

Order a Patton Yearbook!

The 2014-15 Patton Yearbook is now on sale! We are offering an all-COLOR yearbook for $35 as long as you order before Friday, December 19th. You can order them by visiting the yearbook website by clicking on the link, pick up a form at lunch on Wednesday or be on the look out for forms through your advisory!


There is a limited supply of additional directories for sale. They are available at the Main Office on a first come, first serve basis. If you would like to purchase a directory, please send $8.00 in with  your student to the Main Office.

If you have any questions, please contact Lisa Tascione at

Coupon Books  

Kid stuff coupon books are still available for purchase. Send check to Middle school office or just stop by the office to buy one! 25$ to the pto, we get 50% profit and the book pays for itself with just a few uses! Contact Karen Ammon for details or

Novermber Art After School

Posted: 26 Oct 2014 01:49 PM PDT

Art After School sign ups for November are this week! The Session begins next Tuesday, November 4th. We will be making a Turkey Gravy boat using red clay. This is a great opportunity for those of you who love art! Use the link for the registration form  or see Mr. Ferron in room 104.

Calling All Photographers! 

The Art in the Middle Committee has a NEW Project for you! Who are we?  Our committee is dedicated to bringing personality and character to our school through Art.  Our first project, the 1950's themed cafeterias is almost complete and we are starting up our next project: Team photos in the Hallway to the Gymnasium. 

What are the parameters of the photos? 
One photo for each sport at Patton: Soccer, Football, Cross Country, Volleyball, Field Hockey, Wrestling, Basketball, Cheer Leading, Baseball, Softball, Lacrosse, Track

The photo should be about the sport, not an individual, thus we want the team players to be unrecognizable due to the angle of the shot. The photo does not need to capture the entire team. The sport needs to be easily recognized by the photo.  A picture is worth a thousand words..... take a look at the Football Team photo below. 
Send in as many photos as you like. All photos can be sent to:

Attachments area

Talent Show Coordinator Needed:

March 2015

Run the Talent Show, which is held in March. Organize 2 Preview days and 1 Rehearsal day. Coordinate with Patton MS Tech Staff for sound, etc.

For more info, please contact Lisa Tascione at


November 2014

3-Java with John

4-No School, Election Day/Inservice

6- PTO Meeting, 9:15 am - sm caf

20-Focus Presentation

22-Minute to Win It

24-1/2 Student Day- Conferences

25-1/2 Student Day- Conferences

26-1/2 Student Day- Conferences

27-School Closed- Holiday Break

28-School Closed-Holiday Break

Giant A+ School Rewards Prog

Register your card on line and help our school while you do your regular shopping. This program does not change your gas points or other Giant reward offers in any way. To enroll, log on to and select CUSTOMER REGISTRATION to register online using your BONUSCARD and our school ID# 03975.

If you have any questions about the Giant A+ Program, please contact Luci McClure


Target Red Card- 

Do you have a Target Credit Card?.  Did you know that you can benefit your school every time you shop using your Target Credit Card?  Register Patton Middle school to receive credit every time that you shop!….. Thank you for your passive fundraising support!

2014 Year-End Box Tops

The first mailing of the Box Tops that CFPMS students have collected has been completed. We are well on our way to the 2014-2015 school year goal of $1000! In your future submissions of Box Tops, only Box Tops beginning with an expiration date in the year 2015 should be included. Box Tops from 2013 and 2014 are expired and cannot be counted for credit.  Thank you in advance for sorting your Box Tops. It will save a lot of time for the person who actually has to look at every Box Top to make sure it hasn't expired! To create a Box Tops account, go to, Patton Middle School's ID number is 576522. 

Where Can I Find Box Tops?
You'd be surprised how many companies participate in Box Tops! Here are just a few products: all Hanes' Apparel, Green Giant Fresh, Canned, and Frozen Vegetables, all Hefty and Ziploc Bags and Kleenex and Scott Tissues and Paper Towels. To designate Patton Middle School for your Box Tops earnings, go to Create a new account or log in if you already have registered. 

HAWKS' SPORTs NEWS              

Girls Basketball Tryouts

8th grade - Oct. 30 -31, and Nov. 3
7th grade - Nov. 3, 5, 6

UHS Basketball Clinic

Develop your basketball skills by training with
at the UHS Basketball Clinic, on Saturday,
November 15, 2014 from 9:00 am - 12:00 noon,
sponsored by the UHS Women's Basketball team. This clinic is for girls 3rd grade through 8th grade. 
Click on the link for more information:

After School Activities Bus will be continued - learn more and sign up now



    HAWKS PTO WEBSITE:                                   HAWKS eNEWS:                                      UCF SCHOOL DISTRICT:


HAWKS eNEWS is produced by HAWKS PTO weekly.  Additional communication may occur as deemed necessary.  This Information represents a compilation of  messages that may be found in other locations as well as new information distributed by HAWKS PTO and by fellow UCFSD & HAWKS community.    We hope that you find HAWKS eNEWS an effective tool . Do you have news?  Submit eNEWS  communications to  HAWKS eNEWS:  by Friday 5:00 pm for the next weekly submission.



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